Saturday, 25 September 2010

Burnley College bans students and visitors from wearing veil

 I was reading an article from and can't help but wonder of the differences between theists and secularists.

[In 2009, the same college sparked a row when Shawana Bilqes, 18, was banned  from wearing a burka, a move she claimed forced her to abandon a HE Diploma course. "It is not possible to maintain essential full communication if the face of any student is not fully visible," said the then principal John Smith.]

Should be fascinating once a lecturer or student comes in and cites religious beliefs in wearing a motorcycle helmet or a balaklava to class. Isn't a teacher's task difficult enough without having someone making it harder for them?

Muslim majority countries like Egypt, Syria and Turkey already ban the hijab from government buildings. Egyptian clerics want to ban the face veil as not in keeping with Egyptian culture.
Turkish women come to London to attend universities and college, which allows the hijab.

By Thor, Hercules, Raiden and whatever gods people may worship, where the heck are we supposed to draw the line?

As I keep stating, a secular society MUST suffer the existence of religious groups. That also means that secular society should not have that religous belief thrust upon them.

We also work with that old quote from Jesus "Give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's and give unto God, what is God's."
I think it was to do with a question about taxes, but in this case, education would also come under Caesar's domain.

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