Sunday, 27 October 2013

Austerity, Injustice and the Power of Protest - Defend the Right to Protest national conference 2013

DtRtP-PrCa-outside Austerity, Injustice and the Power of Protest - Defend the Right to Protest national conference 2013 As austerity hits, the right to protest has come under attack by governments seeking to undercut opposition to cuts, growing inequalities and attacks on public services. Groups like UK Uncut, and environmental & anti-racist campaigners have been targeted and spied on. Students protesting against fees were kettled and beaten. Anti-fascists standing up to the EDL and BNP have faced police violence and victimisation. All of this has happened alongside fresh attacks on trade union rights. From Turkey, to Brazil, Greece and Egypt we see protesters having to face down repression on an ever-greater scale. There is also increased harassment of black and working class communities. From Stop and Search laws to the continued scandal of deaths in custody, it is clear that 14 years on from the MacPherson Report institutional racism remains rife. Hillsborough, the Murdoch hacking scandal and the deaths of Mark Duggan and Smiley Culture revealed the “untouchable” status that powerful institutions have acquired. Meanwhile the government continues to remove access to legal aid for those seeking justice. These attacks have given rise to many powerful campaigns bringing together all different kinds of campaigners. This solidarity helped to ensure victimised student Alfie Meadows, almost killed by police, was unanimously acquitted of protest related charges after a two-year battle. This year’s conference will provide a forum to discuss how we can strengthen resistance. It will take place in an autumn which will see further fresh public inquiries and inquests into police corruption and deaths in custody and in the context of continued struggles against government cuts and racism. It will look at how protest movements have confronted these attacks in the past and how we can organise in the future. We’ll also have practical workshops to inform people of their rights and suggest ways to run effective defence & justice campaigns. Workshops and Forums include: Austerity & the law – the changing face of policing; The fight to save legal aid; Deaths in custody -who polices the police?; Protest, Stop and search and the law -Know your rights; The politics of Prisons; Blacklisting and the anti-union laws – defending workers rights; Riots-a brief history; Defending the right to protest on campus; Resisting police racism after Macphearson; How to run an effective defence campaign; When fear changes sides- the power of protest today. LIVESTREAM ON THE DAY: OPENING PLENARY: LEGAL AID CUTS: CHANGING FACE OF POLICING: ORGANISING ONLINE:WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO. READING THE RIOTS: THEN AND NOW. POLITICS OF PRISONS. FINAL PLENARY:


[caption id="attachment_33552" align="alignleft" width="245"]United Families & Friends Campaign - 2013 Procession United Families & Friends Campaign - 2013 Procession[/caption] UNITED FAMILIES & FRIENDS CAMPAIGN (UFFC) PROCESSION ON SATURDAY 26TH OCTOBER 2013 MEET 12.30PM TRAFALGAR SQUARE - MARCH TO DOWNING STREET The United Families and Friends Campaign (UFFC) is a coalition of families and friends of those that have died in the custody of police and prison officers as well as those who are killed in immigration detention and secure psychiatric hospitals. It includes the families of Roger Sylvester, Leon Patterson, Rocky Bennett, Alton Manning, Christopher Alder, Brian Douglas, Joy Gardner, Aseta Simms, Ricky Bishop, Paul Jemmott, Harry Stanley, Glenn Howard, Mikey Powell, Jason McPherson, Lloyd Butler, Azelle Rodney, Sean Rigg, Habib Ullah, Olaseni Lewis, David Emmanuel (aka Smiley Culture), Kingsley Burrell, Demetre Fraser, Mark Duggan and Anthony Grainger to name but a few. Together we have built a network for collective action to end deaths in custody. During the late nineties the families of the most controversial deaths in police custody victims came together to form UFFC. Since then we have campaigned for justice for our loved ones and our efforts have yielded some results. The police self-investigation of deaths in custody, previously overseen by the Police Complaints Authority, was replaced by the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The Attorney General was forced to undergo a review of the role of the Crown Prosecution Service. We continue to monitor these developments. Since last year, and in particular through the case of Sean Rigg, the IPCC has been found not fit for purpose. No reforms or reviews have ever addressed the lack of justice in outstanding cases such as Joy Gardner, Brian Douglas and Shiji Lapite, to name a few. These are human rights abuses and must be dealt with accordingly. Nothing can replace due process of law and with so much overwhelming evidence against police officers accused of murder or manslaughter, the question remains why have they not been convicted? UFFC has supported cases such as Ricky Bishop, Roger Sylvester, Mikey Powell and Harry Stanley. In recent years other high profile cases such as those of Ian Tomlinson, Jean Charles De Menezes and Sean Rigg show how the IPCC and the CPS have continued to fail us. In the last two years alone we have had the deaths of David Emanuel (aka Smiley Culture), Kingsley Burrell, Demetre Fraser, Lloyd Butler, Mark Duggan and Anthony Grainger. The deaths have not stopped and nor shall we. Our Annual Remembrance Procession will take place on 26th October 2013. UFFC is supported by Migrant Media, Newham Monitoring Project, Pan African Society Community Forum, 4wardEver UK, Garden Court Chambers, Institute of Race Relations, INQUEST and Defend the Right to Protest. Press Contacts: / Ken Fero: 07770 432 439

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Russell Brand Takes On Jeremy Paxman (Plus Beard) On BBC's Newsnight (VIDEO)

So in order to get away from the corporate bought political parties of the LibLabCon, you advocate voting for....a corporate bought political fascistic party?

Before you claim that Labour are Union backed, look at the millioniare quisling Tony Blair working for JP Morgan.

Having None of the Above on the poll would be helpful, then Direct Democracy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

22/10/2013 Tuesday

Deadlifts 60kg = 1 x 10 100kg = 3 x 10 Forward raises 50kg = 4 x 10 Military Press 50kg = 4 x 8 Super set = Dumbbbell raises + Lateral raises 12kg = 4 x 10 each Forward raises 12kg = 4 x 10 Super set = forward cable curls + rope pull downs 50lbs 4 x 10 each

Monday, 21 October 2013

Getting back into training. 21/10/2013 Monday

Squats: 60 kg = 2 x 10 110 kg = 3 x 6 Jerk, clean, press 45kg = 1 x 10 45kg = 3 x 8 Dumbbell Press 20kg = 4 x 15 Skullcrusher with Dumbbell Curls 37kg = 4 x 6 16kg = 4 x 6 Concentration Curls: 16kg = 4 x 6 Barbell Curls 35kg = 4 x 8