Monday, 24 December 2012

FBI Investigated 'Occupy' As Possible 'Terrorism' Threat, Internal Documents Show

#olsx I remember reading a letter from the City of London Corporatocracy Police that Occupy London were domestic extremists. We were three paragraphs down from Al Qaeda.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Starbucks Hit By Tax Protests From Activist Group UK Uncut

Good point. City of London Corporatocracy banksters say the same. They can buy more sports cars, yachts and employ more servants.

No one mentions the tax havens hoarding the $21 TRILLION.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Economics and Democracy PutneyDebates2012 Livestream

Saturday 27 October
Venue: Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7HS

1-5.15pm Economics and democracy
Rising inequality – what is the solution?
1.20 Inequality: the enemy between us? - The Spirit Level: Why Inequality Matters. With Professor Richard Wilkinson.
2.30 The Finance Curse: Tax Haven Britain, Predator and Victim. How Britain has become captive to its offshore empire and what we can do . With John Christensen
3.55 Income Equality - a co-operative approach. with Dr John Courtneidge
4.40 Occupy economic roadmap -a lightning introduction tour, and an introduction to the 'Little Book of Ideas', followed by a plenary discussion.

These debates are brought to the people by Occupy London for FREE - but if you can afford it, please help us cover the cost of the venues:

Inequality: the enemy between us? - The Spirit Level: Why Inequality Matters. With Professor Richard Wilkinson.

Questions and Answers.

The Finance Curse: Tax Haven Britain, Predator and Victim. How Britain has become captive to its offshore empire and what we can do .

Income Equality - a co-operative approach. with Dr John Courtneidge

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

A Star's Guide to Making Bigger Bucks

From what I gather, the threat of Starbucks pulling out of the U.K. would mean the closure of over 100 outlets. The same for McDonalds and Burger King.

I would say goodbye. I'm pretty sure there would be a number of independent outlets who would be happy to take their place.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, 15 October 2012

Occupy London Protesters Chain Themselves To Pulpit In St Paul's Cathedral

Where do many of these qualified lawyers, accountants, mathematicians. physicists, Computer Scientists end up? Working in the City of London Corporation engaging in High Frequency Trading, betting on sub-prime mortgages, or betting on companies going bankrupt.

The Bank of England has already pointed out that HFT removes billions from the British economy with the banksters profiting.

Your point still stands. Get qualified and join the rest of the banksters in becoming a giant Vampire Squid sucking the blood of humanity or become a Vulture fund, profit from the carcass of dead people from the Third World.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Occupy London Protesters Chain Themselves To Pulpit In St Paul's Cathedral

I have this bridge in London for sale. Just £20.00.

A doctor goes to University and afterwards earns 100k a year. A Bankster can make double that. They can make up to £60 million with bonuses. Gamble with money from depositors and then get bailed out by the taxpayer when they lose.

Your Intelligent decision is work for the City of London and join the Ponzi Scheme.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A New Economy PutneyDebates2012 Livestream

Venue: St Mary’s Church/ Hall, Putney High Street, Putney
6-8pm A New Economy
with Clive Menzies and Janos Abel.
This two hour workshop examines flaws in the economic system, why it cannot be sustained and what an alternative system could look like. The foundations of the New Economy are: the means to life (water, food and housing) for all as a right; land and resources held in common and the benefits shared; alternative currencies to foster greater equality and societal cohesion.

This stream started at 1900 hours.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

#olsx #LastThursdayClub: Vulture's Picnic 280612 @Occupynnuk

Greg Palast: Vulture's Picnic Brian Basher

Friday, 22 June 2012

#olsx @12_bread_circuses #camelotrenting 220612 @occurecords

#olsx @12_bread_circuses 220612 @occurecords

#olsx @12_bread_circuses fri. 220612 originallydeciphered @occurecords

#olsx @12_bread_circuses fri. 220612 @occurecords

#olsx @12_bread_circuses fri. 220612 @occupynnuk

#olsx @12_bread_circuses fri. G..A 220612 @occupynnuk

#olsx @12_bread_circuses fri. G..A 220612 @occupynnuk

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

#olsx coalition of resistance rally 190612 @occupynnuk

#olsx riding a bus 2. 190612 @occupynnuk

#olsx @ResistCoalition Rally @TUCnews 190612 #stopthecuts

#olsx @ResistCoalition Rally @TUCnews 190612 #stopthecuts

#olsx @ResistCoalition Rally @TUCnews 190612@occupynnuk

#olsx @ResistCoalition Rally @TUCnews 190612@occupynnuk

#olsx @ResistCoalition Rally @TUCnews 190612@occupynnuk

Friday, 15 June 2012

#olsx @carnivalofdirt 150612 #royalmetalexchange @occupynnuk @occup

#olsx @carnivalofdirt 150612 #royalmetalexchange @occupynnuk @occup

#olsx @carnivalofdirt 150612 #royalmetalexchange @occupynnuk @occup

#olsx @carnivalofdirt 150612 @occupynnuk @occup

#olsx @carnivalofdirt 150612 @occupynnuk @occup

#olsx #CarnivalOfDirt 150612 @occupynnuk @occup

#olsx #CarnivalOfDirt 150612 @occupynnuk @occup

Saturday, 26 May 2012

@ukuncut street party nick clegg's house @occupynnuk @occupylondon

@ukuncut street party nick clegg's house @occupynnuk @occupylondon

@ukuncut street party nick clegg's house @occupynnuk @occupylondon

@ukuncut street party nick clegg's house @occupynnuk @occupylondon

@ukuncut street party nick clegg's house @occupynnuk @occupylondon

@ukuncut street party nick clegg's house @occupynnuk @occupylondon

@ukuncut street party nick clegg's house @occupynnuk @occupylondon